
Gemini Men in 2012 | Zodiac Sign Secrets

2012 The Best Year Ever for Geminis 

You know those people who survive against all odds? You know those people who visit the worst of places but come up smelling of roses? Well in 2012 all Geminis are going to appear a bit like them. While the ship burns (our metaphor for the world in 2012) they’ll be fine – because the planet Venus will be protecting Geminis in 2012.  In 2012 if anyone is going to put out the fire on the burning ship and replace it with a better force it will be a Gemini or some Geminis.

Venus Lives in Gemini Zodiac for Four Months

Venus, the planet of love, luxury, beauty and wonder will enter the zodiac of Gemini on 04 March and will be there until 07 August 2012. The transit of Venus is happening in Gemini and Geminis really want to make the most of it. They’ll feel good and look good and that’s always good for Gemini but there’s more to it than this superficial level.

Before, During and After Venus

Up until 04 March it will seem like any normal year… apart from an optimism (signalled by laughter) that they’ll feel. This optimism will be rewarded soon after 04 March with those wonderful “it’s great to be alive” feelings we all have had (even if too seldom) from time to time. Even when the transit of Venus in Gemini is finally over – after four months – their feel-good batteries will be so charged, invigorated and hypnotised to feel wonderful that they won’t really notice. By then anyway so many good things will have been set in progress that there will be other waves to ride into a hopefully prosperous future.


Always read the warnings! Think about the Midas Touch. Everything king Midas touched turned to gold. Of course, it didn’t help the king because you can’t eat gold, drink gold, heat with gold or shelter under gold and when he turned his daughter to gold and killed her he was beyond consolation. If only king Midas and those close to him had seen this coming and seen that it would end they could have done so much with the gift and the fatalities could have been avoided.  

Greedy, Selfish Geminis Need Not Apply

This could be a bumper year for Gemini men – out there with the best year ever but, as in the case of king Midas, positives can be turned to negatives. As long as Gemini men (and women in this instance) avoid complacency, avoid selfishness and use the powers they are imbued with for the good of all 2012 will be fantastic. Partners of Geminis should work with them, encourage and inspire but if they can’t do this, if they drain their Gemini and work to remove their confidence it would be better for the world if they realised this and either changed or left the way ahead clear.

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